Friday 3 November 2017

We have been inline skating all week!  Some of the highlights were learning a new move called the "Go Cart" and the "Moonwalk", and we had a Disco Party

We listened to the song "Head and Shoulders.." in french and learned the french words for different parts of our bodies.  Then we measured parts of our body using standard and nonstandard measurements and then we traced a life-sized version of our bodies.

We created pencil sketches that resemble how our families have been touched by war.  These sketches will be shared at our Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday, November 10th at 10:30.

We worked on describing sounds like a fork on metal, a prayer bell, a piano using sound waves to create a visual of the sound.  The sound waves for a fork on metal looked jagged and the sound waves for a prayer bell looked wavy.

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